What ages is the Ontario High School Rodeo Association for?

The Ontario High School Rodeo Association is an Association for students in grades 5 to 8 (Junior High) and grades 9 to 12 (High School) to compete in rodeo events.

How does the Ontario High School Rodeo season's schedule work?

The rodeo season generally follows the school year - meaning we generally start our rodeo season around the end of August and complete the year with our Provincial Finals in May. 

What financial requirements are the members responsible for?

Every member of the association is responsible for their own membership forms & fees ($120 annually), required sponsorships ($250 annually), maintaining passing grades in school, entry fees for each rodeo and any equipment or animals required for the events they choose to enter into.

How is stock for a rough stock rider or roper chosen?

Any stock required for an event is provided by our Stock Contractor and the stock is drawn for the member prior to the rodeo based on entries.

Who provides the required equipment?

A rough stock rider is required to provide their own helmet, vest, ropes etc.  A Barrel Racer/ Pole Bender is required to provide her own horse to ride, Ropers provide their ropes and horses. Any stock required for an event is provided by our Stock Contractor and the stock is drawn for the member prior to the rodeo based on entries.  There are some considerations regarding the sharing of horses, please refer to the NHSRA Event Rule Book for those conditions.  

How many rodeos are there each season?

We aim to have between 8 and 10 rodeos each season for our membership.  Depending on how many rodeos are approved the year before at our AGM will determine how many rodeos you can pull points from to go into Provincial Finals with.

For the 2019/2020 season we will have 9 rodeos and 8 of those rodeos will count towards year end standings. 

Where are the Ontario High School Rodeo Association rodeos located?

The rodeos that we provide as "in province rodeos" are located in the province of Ontario. 

Can we compete in rodeos outside of Ontario that are sanctioned with the National High School Rodeo Association?

You are eligible to compete at rodeos in other provinces or states as an out of province rodeo.  We will allow you to bring points from one rodeo into the Ontario standings.  You must enter according to each state or province’s entry system, this is not handled within our association.  You then must ask the secretary to send us the results  from the rodeo and you will  be awarded points on where you place. 

When and how do we find out about these rodeos?

Confirmed rodeo dates will be posted under our Upcoming Events. 

Mandatory Form Requirements?

Some of our forms require a notary republic to sign them. ALL of them require both parents signatures as do all event entry forms (along with the school principal). If for some reason you are a sole custody parent you must provide that information on the forms and have it notarized for NHSRA to accept the application. If you are joint custody and one parent refuses to sign then it is up to you to contact a lawyer and see what paperwork can be done to allow your child to compete. We cannot accept any documentation for membership or event entry forms with only one parent’s signature. This is a decision made by NHSRA that we must abide by that decision. Check out our membership form area for more details!